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MZT 48 Brain Supplement: Scam or Finally an Answer?

2023-10-19  BSN Team

Ok, so the developers of MZT-48 are claiming that this is the one. If you have been looking for a supplement to improve your overall brain performance, then this could be it. Or could it? Surely, if this isn’t your first stop in your search, then you are well aware of the disgusting number of scams out there and the horrible products they are trying to swindle you into wasting your money on. At this point, honestly, I have a hard time believing anything. With that said, surely not all of them are as horrid and unsatisfactory as most, so I cannot just overlook this product and claim it's bad. I am sure that there are decent things about it.

I started doing reviews of these products simply because I am sick and tired of dealing with scams. However, I have long given up the search for something and decided to just try and give people a heads up about the nasty scams, alarming terms, and frightful possible side effects. It’s unfortunate that these reviews even have to exist, but the FDA does not regulate or approve supplements in general, which means they can do anything they like and don’t get reprimanded for it. So, I have taken it upon myself to reveal the suspicious products and companies out there and help you decide whether they are what you are looking for.


What is MZT-48?

This is another all-natural supplement claiming to be filled with nootropics and give you a brain boost like no other. Thankfully, the website is actually quite decent and not like the substandard product websites I have seen in the past. I find the use of identical content from website to website objectionable and rather offensive, considering that it basically means they think we are dumb enough to fall for it.

What they claim is that this product will:

  • Boost Energy 
  • Maintain Focus 
  • Boost Overall Brain Performance

These are all great benefits, and I am sure there is not one person that would deny this. The problem is whether they are true and whether they aren’t just rotten lies all over again. The good thing is that you will find out rather quickly if the product works as they claim that within 30 minutes, you will feel its effects, effects equaling 100% of your brain being unlocked. Now, we all know that’s just a lie, as I highly doubt there is a product out there that can do that.

I love how they decided to use a disgusting tactic of putting you down, especially if you are of age. They discuss how college students have been using nootropics and smart drugs to boost their performance and are now using them in the workplace. This basically means that young people are not only out for their job as it is, and you should feel threatened by them taking over, but basically, nobody has a chance to keep their job without a supplement. 

This is not only depressing but a generally unpleasant hit of reality on steroids. Even though a supplement such as this will be able to improve your concentration and overall brain performance, I highly doubt it’s what draws the line between a college kid on “smart drugs” and losing your job. There is a bit more to it than that. What I did like was that they provided a list of ingredients.


What Is In MZT-48?

Unlike other dreadful and imperfect websites offering questionable products, this one actually provides you with a list of ingredients. Not the full list, I am certain, but at least something to go by. The rating of a website that does not is rather grim as, obviously, they are trying to hide something. It's unwise to order any sort of supplement before researching the ingredients properly.

Tyrosine – creates neurotransmitters which promote alertness – considered safe for up to 3 months but has unwanted side effects.

GABA – prevents over-excitement of the brain to keep you focused – considered safe only for up to 12 weeks.

Bacopa Monnieri – boosts cerebral blood flow and cognitive function – considered safe for up to 12 weeks and has unfavourable side effects.

Alpha GPC – maintains the function of neurotransmission, which is key to cognition – It is considered safe when taken properly but has deplorable side effects, one of which is confusion (the opposite of what we want).

Vinpocetine – boosts the utilization of glucose in the brain and boosts the production of ATP energy – considered safe when taken properly but has harmful side effects.

Huperzine A – inhibits acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down acetylcholine – considered safe for up to 3 months but has alarming side effects.
Now, all of these have proven in one way or another to be effective on the brain in a positive way. Unfortunately, nearly all of them come with negative side effects. Another thing to note is that even though they are being researched for these positive results and have shown signs, some are still yet to be proven effective. It is important to understand that some are not researched well and may be harmful, and the results could be dreadful. The good thing is that they have been used excessively in many other supplements, and no serious problems have been reported.


Buying NZT-48

To purchase this product, you select one of three options. Fortunately, they do not have horrible trial offers and ruthless auto-ship programs where you are stuck paying for a vile product you don’t even use.

The options are:

1-month supply – $47.95

2-month supply – $77.95 ($25.98 each)

3-month supply – $97.95 ($19.59 each)

Even with the lower prices on multiple purchases, I discourage you from buying more than one month's supply until you are certain this product is for you. Also, be sure to speak with your doctor before ordering or before taking it to ensure that it will not distress your body in any way.

Take this information on NZT-48 and use it to decide for yourself whether this product is quality or if it’s nothing more than another substandard, unsatisfactory, and dishonest scam.

2023-10-19  BSN Team